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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

5 things you should get rid of to make your life better and more productive

Life can be beautiful, but sometimes it may become filled with stress, disorder or provocations and because of problems that inevitably grow if left unsolved. These things sometimes hamper us from being the best of ourselves and to succeed in certain aspects of life.


Nevertheless, we sometimes have to realize that there are things that we can eliminate in order to make our lives better, more prosperous and productive, and to become better versions of ourselves. Here are five things that should be and can be eliminated for a better quality of life.

1. Weed out useless tasks

Our life can become choke full of tasks, starting with work duties but also our chores related to looking after our children, our spouse, house, side job, hobbies, online activities and so on. Take into consideration all of these tasks and the amount of stress they cause on the one hand and the value you obtain from them on the other hand; then, eliminate those tasks that are too stressful and bring comparatively little value to your life.

2. Distance yourself from negative people

You know who these people are. If you stop and think for a moment, you can probably identify a number of negative people you know, including perhaps a boss, a colleague, a client, a friend, a family member and so on, who can at times make your life more difficult than it should be. Well, you can confront these people and fight with them, but this will probably make our life even more stressful and fail to bring any positive results. It is often the best solution to eliminate these people from your life, if you can.


3. Eliminate fears

Don’t allow fear of what may happen to stop you from doing something that you desire. When you start overcoming your fears, you will give a chance to your dreams to become reality. Fear is not about something real; in fact, it is simply made up from imaginary situations that you think up and accept as reality. The good news is that you can control your fears, so you can start overcoming them right now.

4. Resign to the need of control

Trying to keep everything under control is exhausting and it may lead you nowhere. Instead, you should allow things to unfold without feeling the need to control every action. Also, eliminate the desire to criticize others. No one will know for certain and entirely what another person is going through. Energy wasted on criticizing others can be used to improve yourself instead.

5. Leave the past behind

The past cannot be changed anymore, it cannot be forgotten and cannot be erased. The energy wasted on brooding about the past is wasted, and it should be used to achieve your dreams for the future instead.

It may not be easy to eliminate all the energy blocks described above, but if you manage, you will realize that it was worth all the effort. If you want to become a happier and more productive person, it is time to get rid of mental habits that prevent you from realizing your dreams and start on the path which is right for you.


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