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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This is what happens in your body when you stop eating sugar for 30 days – it is not just visceral fat that is reduced

Even going 30 days without sugar has a beneficial effect on the body.


Going 30 days without sugar may seem like an easy task at first; a lot of processed foods, however, contain added sugar, and therefore going sugar-free isn’t just about not adding sugar in your coffee, it’s about much more.

Reducing your sugar intake is not only good for weight loss, but also for your health, as it helps to prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes, fatty liver and various heart conditions.

30 days without sugar

The first step to reducing your daily sugar intake is to get rid of, or at least cut out, both white and brown sugar from your diet.


Sugars that fruits or vegetables naturally contain are not “ff limits. Foods that contain added sugars such as sugary cereals, ice cream, cakes, cakes, cakes, sugary drinks and others, on the other hand, are banned during this period.

Benefits of going sugar-free

Sugar withdrawal, especially for those who actually consume it on a daily basis, can be very difficult to cope with at first. One can also discover to be dependent on the sweet taste, the sudden burst of energy, with withdrawal symptoms including irritability, depression, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, anxiety symptoms; however, as with most addictions, these symptoms are felt more strongly only in the first few days.

This is what happens in your body when you stop eating sugar for 30 days - it is not just visceral fat that is reduced

After that, the body gets used to the otherwise much healthier foods you replace sugar with during this period – for example, you can have 1-2 cups of cocoa, which is good for the nerves.


The main benefits of a sugar-free diet

Balances blood sugar levels

Eating sugary foods causes blood sugar levels to spike and then plummet, leading to carbohydrate cravings. If this unstable condition persists for a prolonged period of time, insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes with abdominal obesity can develop. The body then becomes less sensitive to insulin, a hormone that helps convert blood sugar into energy in the cells.

A sugar-free diet can stabilize blood sugar levels within 30 days, and it can make you feel more energetic because your cells receive the fuel they need. However, this balance can be easily upset if someone suddenly starts eating the same foods and in the same way as before the sugar withdrawal. In fact, it is not only during these 30 days, but also on a long-term basis that monitoring the consumption of sugar is necessary to maintain blood sugar stability.

This is what happens in your body when you stop eating sugar for 30 days - it is not just visceral fat that is reduced

It causes weight loss

Sugary foods tend to be high in calories, while lacking in filling, hunger-reducing nutrients such as protein and fiber. As well as increasing the percentage of body fat under the skin, they also affect the amount of visceral fat, which is much more dangerous. If someone actually cuts sugar out of their life for a whole month, not only will their body weight go down, but the visceral fat in their body will also be reduced.

The liver will also become healthier

A diet high in sugar, especially fructose, can trigger the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver. A study in 2017 found that even nine days of sugar-free diet leads to a significant reduction of fat deposits around the liver. The same diet for 30 days relieves the liver of most deposited fats.

During this period, the consumption of vegetables, fruits, protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, beef, tofu or eggs, healthy sources of fat, complex carbohydrates and sugar-free drinks, especially water, is recommended.


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