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Monday, September 9, 2024

A natural diuretic that supports metabolism: the unique gooseberry with many useful properties

Because of its beneficial effects, these berries are widely enjoyed in season and can be used in a variety of dishes.


The European gooseberry, Ribes uva-crispa, is a berry with a sourish flavor, which has a beneficial effect on the body thanks to the wide variety of nutrients it contains.

Low in calories, gooseberries are packed with metabolism-boosting vitamin C and digestive fiber, so they can be eaten as a snack between meals or with main meals.

The health benefits of gooseberry

A natural diuretic

Gooseberries are rich in potassium, which is known to have a diuretic effect, and the pectin in them also help to expel excess water.


Gooseberries are made up of nearly 60% water, which also helps eliminating surplus water, as the body’s frequent response to dehydration is water retention.

Supports metabolism

Thanks to its manganese and vitamin C content, substances in gooseberries also support metabolism. Manganese plays an important role in the metabolism of glucose and fat cells and reduces oxidative stress, which could otherwise lead to abdominal obesity. Vitamin C is also a renowned metabolic booster, and has been shown to increase fat oxidation, i.e. fat burning during exercise.

A natural diuretic that supports metabolism: the unique gooseberry with many useful properties

Reduces appetite

Gooseberries are also known to have an appetite suppressant effect, as they are rich in both insoluble and soluble fiber. The latter slows down the absorption of food, which naturally reduces appetite and prolongs the feeling of fullness.


Stabilizes blood sugar

The aforementioned high fiber content can also stabilize blood sugar levels. Its slow absorption prevents a sudden rise in blood sugar levels, the rapid fall of which would lead to carbohydrate hunger.

The chlorogenic acid content of gooseberries also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which can lower blood sugar levels even after a high starch meal. To get the maximum benefit from gooseberries, they should be eaten raw, after thorough washing, of course. The taste ranges from sour to sweet, depending not only on the variety but also on the stage of ripening.

150 grams of gooseberries contain only 66 calories, making this berry a healthy snack by itself, but it is also delicious mixed into breakfast porridge or a salad. It can also be preserved as a jam, used as the main ingredient for a dipping sauce to accompany meat dishes or as a side dish; however, it loses nutrients during cooking and the added sugar makes it less healthy, so it is better eaten raw.


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