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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The diet of a famous surgeon: Professor Uglov reached the age of 103 thanks to this diet

The famous surgeon Professor Feodor G. Uglov never weighed more than 65 kilograms in his life. During his long and fruitful life, his health was always excellent. At the age of 103, he was also entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest professor of surgery. Throughout his life he was always characterized by optimism and was a committed advocate of healthy living.


He believes that for the vast majority of people, being overweight is the cause of a weakened immune system and the development of degenerative cartilage disease. All these could be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle and diet.

According to the professor, it is very important to maintain an ideal body weight over time, as the metabolism slows down with age.

He himself has reached 103 years by following the standards he has set himself, including the following:

  • vigorous physical and mental activity;
  • balancing work and rest periods;
  • strengthening the body (by taking cold showers);
  • 7-8 hours of restful sleep a day;
  • avoiding alcohol and tobacco;
  • eating a healthy diet.

The doctor always encouraged his patients to eat a varied and moderate diet. The healthiest foods, he says, are eggs, lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, and cow’s milk; these should be eaten almost daily, along with an adequate fluid intake. According to the expert, white bread and refined sugar should be omitted from the diet.

In order to lose weight, the professor recommended following an “Eastern” diet every two months, which, in addition to losing weight, also helps to detoxify the body. The diet should only be followed for 10 days.

During the diet, it is important to keep to the right intervals of time between meals.

Here is the exact description of the diet recommended by the professor:


9:00 – black tea or coffee with 1 teaspoon of honey.
11:00 – 1 hard-boiled egg, 8 prunes soaked in water.
14:00 – 200 grams of cooked meat (chicken or beef), 100 grams of fresh cabbage or carrots, 1 orange.
17:00 – 30 grams of lean cottage cheese, 1 orange or apple.
20:00 – 250 ml yoghurt or sour milk.

In addition to the above diet, the professor also recommended the following:

  • get up from the table as soon as you are full;
  • do not rest or lie down immediately after eating;
  • eat dinner a few hours before going to bed, preferably before 20:00;
  • move around as much as possible, take long walks, exercise regularly.

According to Professor Feodor G. Uglov, foods that contain additives are very bad for your health. The simpler the food we eat, the better the chances of living a long and healthy life.


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