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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How to activate healing energies in your home with the aid of Tibetan mandalas

Mandalas have been used in healing and decoration for decades.


The word ’mandala’ comes from Sanskrit, it means circle, and it suggests harmony, completeness and tranquility. The philosophy of mandala making reflects the infinitude, turning towards the self and the cyclical nature of this ancient geometric form.

Hinduism advocates have been practicing mandala painting as a meditation method for thousands of years, and by our days the art has become popular in the Western culture as well. Architecture, painting and other related arts have also discovered its charm and they often use mandala as a motif in ornamental arts. Home decorators also use the shapes and colors of mandala in interior decoration.

Energy bomb for the body and soul

How to activate healing energies in your home with the aid of Tibetan mandalas


Mandalas have not only an aesthetic role, but they also have a positive impact on peace and spiritual awareness. The choice of colors and the painting of the shapes function as an effective meditation method. In ancient India, mandala was used for expanding consciousness and for healing. Not all mandalas are circular, but every case they express the inner and outer universe. Its regularly repeating patterns stimulate human energies.

Introspective, silent painting or coloring optimizes energy levels and balances the functioning of the left and right sides of the brain. Harmony, regeneration and balance come into your home with mandala, whether you are making it or only using it for decoration. We have selected some beautiful examples, which you can access through the links shown.

Pink helps internal regeneration and promotes universal healing. The cycles and symmetry of the mandala point to the cycle of life. They are also available in large sizes – click on the link.

Turquoise and orange reinforce vitality and intuition. The colors and shapes form a wonderful, regular unit. For a larger size click on the link.


Purple color suggests idealism but also wisdom. It has an effect on radiation of love and tunes to balance. For a larger size click on the link.

How to activate healing energies in your home with the aid of Tibetan mandalas

Pale blue color helps relaxation, brings harmony and generates satisfaction. The shapes attract energies from the universe that contribute to the regeneration of the soul. For a larger size click on the link.

Lemon yellow is the color of joy and evolution; it has a strong energizing and healing effect on the body. For a larger size click on the link.

Green has a soothing effect, creates balance and stimulateshope and healing. It is the color of growth. For a larger size click on the link.

The deep blue mandala brings wisdom and spirituality into a home. For a larger size click on the link.

The color brown moves the energies of stability and consciousness. For Hindus, creating mandala is a serious meditative ceremony. For a larger size click on the link.

The color red increases joy, endurance, strength and confidence. For a larger size click on the link.

White mandala symbolizes purity and completeness, and helps to structure thoughts. You can complement it with other colors, but it is also effective by itself. For a larger size click on the link.


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