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Sunday, January 12, 2025

How do you ask your guardian angel for help in difficult times?

The guidance of an angel is a form of secret message from God. The angel is the messenger of divinity. It is a constant presence in our lives from birth to death. We can feel his company moment by moment through the sacred energy of love.


Very often, when we go through a dark period in our lives and face problems, we seek comfort and help from our guardian angel.

In everyday life, we face many problems that are beyond our power of comprehension, and we somehow want a magical solution to them. We want to close our eyes and want the nightmare to have disappeared when we open them again.

On the other hand, unpleasant situations make us turn to God for help. We pray and hope that all the pain we feel will be relieved.


In this material we try to bring salvation – the magic power we all seek lies in our own hands. We just need to get our hands on the magic wand and experience the miracle in our lives. How can we do that? Very simply. We need to acknowledge the presence of angels in our lives and follow the guiding light they leave behind.

The guidance of an angel is a form of secret message from God. The angel is the messenger of divinity. It is a constant presence in our lives from birth to death. We can feel his company moment by moment through the sacred energy of love.

In addition, angelic energy can also be felt when we truly connect with the higher power and establish a strong and constant relationship with our angels. The moment we do this we radically change our lives – and everything seems clearer to us.

How to connect with angels?

Even though we are looking for guidance from angels, most of us have no idea how to connect with them.


Angels are devoid of negative qualities, including ego and judgmental mentality – they will never reprimand us for our mistakes. Moreover, they are present in many places at the same time. Their main purpose is to convey our wishes and prayers to God and to convey God’s messages to us. Basically, they are the link between us and the Divine.

However, they need our permission to come into our lives and help us. Therefore, we need to call them and ask them to help us with our problems.

How do we contact our guardian angel?

Nothing could be simpler: through prayer. There is no prescribed prayer; each of us has to construct our own prayer according to how our soul dictates and then say it to the guardian angel – to tell him how we feel, what we are going through and what we need.

What is important, however, is that our requests are honest and realistic. Guardian angels are able to see the bigger picture and help us when they see that our prayers are sincere and come from the heart. We can ask them for whatever we need – minor things or incredibly important things for us. All requests, whether big or small, are of equal importance to them – therefore, we should not shy away from asking for what we really want.

However, all our requests and desires must be made with a clear conscience and a pure heart. If we deserve it, the angels will answer our prayers.


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