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Thursday, January 23, 2025

What ingredient to use to grease the pot before you add the cabbage rolls to cook. The secret of top chefs to make cabbage rolls tender and fluffy

This trick will make your cabbage rolls recipe stand out from the crowd.


Cabbage rolls, an absolutely delicious dish made from cabbage or vine leaves, is definitely one of the culinary stars of Christmas and New Year’s meals. The history of cabbage rolls is lost in the mists of time, but many cooks still don’t know the special ingredient that needs to be added to the pot for a perfect taste.

This is a trick you should try, too, no matter what recipe you choose for your cabbage rolls. The special ingredient, revealed by journalist Radu Anton Roman, in his book “Romanian food, wine and customs”, will make the cabbage rolls turn out out tender and fluffy. The author recommends that this dish be served with a glass of red wine.

But the trick that will make cabbage rolls have a perfect texture and an incomparable taste is to grease the pot with lard before placing in the cabbage rolls for cooking. He also recommends using a clay pot.


The recipe for traditional cabbage rolls

For the upcoming holidays, we recommend Radu Anton Roman’s cabbage rolls recipe. They will turn out absolutely delicious and you will impress your family with their taste.

Here are the ingredients and quantities you will need:

  • The leaves of two pickled cabbages
  • 1 kg ground pork
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 2-3 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 hot pepper
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1 cup wine
  • 1 bunches of greens
  • 2-3 tablespoons paprika paste
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 1 glass tomato broth
  • Tomato and pepper paste
  • 3 canned tomatoes
  • Salt
  • Thyme
  • Dill
  • Bay leaves
  • Paprika
  • Pepper
  • Lard for greasing the clay pot


Wash the rice thoroughly, then chop the onions and greens along with the hot pepper. Grate the carrots. Mix all the ingredients well, except the cabbage leaves and the lard.

Shape the rolls carefully, so you can be sure they won’t fall apart during cooking.


Grease the clay pot with lard and cover the bottom with cabbage leaves and chopped cabbage. Layer the rolls one by one and add the cabbage with the tomato and pepper paste in between the layers. On top, on the last layer, place cabbage leaves along with the bay leaves, thyme and dill, pepper, paprika, sprinkle with salt to taste and add the sliced tomatoes.

Cook at low heat for 1.5-2 hours depending on the size of the rolls.


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