First of all, try to avoid bees and especially wasps! On very hot days, these normally peaceful insects become irritated, and the presence of people near the hive or the nest is viewed by them a threat. Remember to avoid them and learn to treat yourself if you are stung by a bee or wasp.
Both bee and wasp stings can be very painful and potentially dangerous. Do not provoke these insects or annoy them with threatening gestures if they come towards you to avoid a sting. But if it still happens, here is a list of remedies you can use if you get stung by a bee or a wasp, keeping in mind that their venom is different and causes different reactions.
Bee stings are painful and can even be fatal to people who may go into anaphylactic shock if they don’t get to a hospital quickly. A wasp sting is much more painful than a bee sting, causes inflammation that can last almost a week, and is also fatal in the case of anaphylactic shock.
What reactions occur after being stung by bee
The reaction that occurs can be different demanding on whether you have been stung by a bee or a wasp. However, the most common symptoms and those that appear immediately after the sting are:
- Local pain
- Local swelling
- Irritation that quickly spreads over an area of several centimeters
- Inflammation
- Burning sensation
These reactions disappear within a few hours if you immediately apply some effective treatment. In case of some people whose skin is more sensitive, the stinging sensation and inflammation may persist for two or three days. Multiple stings are much more dangerous. Even if you are not allergic, if you are stung by at least 7-10 bees at the same time, you can become very ill due to the high amount of venom. In this case, it is advisable to get to the hospital urgently.
One or two stings do not pose a danger to a healthy person – one just has to endure the acute pain for several hours. On the other hand, multiple stings can cause coma or even death, depending on the amount of venom and the individual reaction.
How do you recognize venom allergy?
A healthy person complains only of pain and local inflammation, if they are not allergic to insects and especially to their venom. After a sting, you can tell that you are allergic to it by the following symptoms:
- Rapid and strong swelling of the stung area and then of nearby body areas: neck, head, eyes, tongue, arms
- Breathing problems
- Acute headache
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
- Abdominal cramps
- Chest pains
- Fever
If, a few minutes after being stung by a bee, the above symptoms appear, then an ambulance must be called immediately, or you must urgently go to a hospital where you will receive medical help to remove the venom from your body.
Remember that dizziness, vertigo and chest pain may occur within 10 minutes of being stung if you are allergic, and death may follow within an hour if not treated promptly.
Remedies for a bee sting
When a bee stings you, you need to know that the stinger along with the tiny sac of venom remains attached to your skin, and the bee dies.
Use tweezers, a plastic card, or the blunt end of a knife/pencil to quickly remove the stinger. Do not pull on the bee’s stinger with your fingers, as this will release even more venom from the sac at its base.
Wash the area with soap and water or disinfect with rubbing alcohol.
Apply an ice pack immediately.
Gently press salt or baking soda and raw potato slices onto the sting, as the starchy juice relieves irritation and pain.
You can apply a thick layer of strongly mentholated toothpaste to make the pain go away faster.
You may also apply echinacea or plantain tinctures.
If the pain is too strong, you can take anti-inflammatory medicine and an ibuprofen, or you can use an ointment based on cortisone and an antibiotic.
What solutions to avoid for treating a bee sting
Avoid ever putting onion or garlic slices in if you get stung by a bee or wasp. The acid in these vegetables worsens the irritation and pain.
Do not use any spray, deodorant or perfume, because they contain alcohol and talcum powder. The chemicals in these cosmetics will only worsen the irritation and make you infected.
Why is a wasp sting different?
Wasp venom is stronger than bee venom and causes more pain. Wasps only sting if you attack them, if you destroy their nest, or if you wave your hands when they circle around you. They become more nervous towards the end of the summer, when they migrate and form new families, so it is good to be careful not to disturb them.
Unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times. They don’t lose their stinger, nor do they die after stinging. When it stings, a wasp releases pheromones that alert other wasps in the colony and you can be attacked by several wasps at the same time. The situation can become very serious if you cannot immediately retreat to your car, to your house, or to another place where they cannot reach you.
The pain after a wasp sting is much greater than after bee sting and it may last for a week. It is recommended to go to a hospital immediately, or if this is not possible right away, take anti-inflammatories and pain relievers, apply ice packs and then lemon juice to fight inflammation.