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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

3 zodiac signs that will be truly blessed by the universe during the last month of the year

There are a few zodiac signs that will be showered with good fortune at the end of the year – natives born in these signs will feel truly protected and lucky, everything will happen the way they wish, and they will enjoy exceptional achievements in many areas.


December 2022 comes bundled with new energy and more optimism and hope than previous months, and from these energetic changes many of the zodiac signs will benefit individually to a greater or lesser extent.

There are, however, a few zodiac signs that will be blessed with good fortune and will feel truly protected and lucky, as everything will go well and flourish on one or more levels. Which are exactly these zodiac signs who will be the most fortunate in December 2022?


For the Aries, everything seems to be falling into place in a most beneficial and harmonious way. They enjoy peace, love and emotional support, which leads them to focus on their career and professional plan, where they have some important, lucrative projects to fulfill, perhaps even some business promises or collaborations with fantastic potential in the present and immediate future, which will also increase their income.


What is certain is that if natives of this sign have believed in their dreams and have invested time, considerable effort and perhaps even money, the universe will reward the investment in full.

There are also some Aries natives who can see their dreams with their own eyes and now, at the end of the year, can make a radical career change, perhaps even a retraining that will radically change their life or destiny.

For the Aries native, career changes are also possible in the form of a transfer (on more financially advantageous terms) or a temporary or longer-term travel/move to another city or country. This change will also bring with it an improvement in the quality of life or living conditions for Aries.


Virgo is a sign blessed with love and hope this season. The universe has prepared several beautiful surprises for Virgos in the last month of the year. Virgo natives who have become recently involved in a new relationship will feel even more strongly attracted to their partner and rediscover with amazement the multifaceted sides of their personality, falling even more in love, feeling truly lucky to have been given the chance to meet such a person.


On the other hand, single Virgo natives or even skeptics who no longer believe in love may feel struck right in the heart by Cupid’s arrows. A new acquaintance will intrigue them and will prompt them to take decisive steps to conquer and get to know this person better.

Even if at first this person doesn’t seem to fit the prototype of a lover they have created in their mind, he or she may be exactly the right person for them. They will feel an instant connection that they will want to deepen and develop as much as possible in the period ahead, and they will feel their heart full, happy and hopeful.

Love is slowly but surely beginning to take root in their hearts, and this helps them to be more creative with this person in everything they do in their time together, even when it comes to creating plans and dates. Virgo natives involved in a relationship receive good news from their loved one and are likely to spend a very nice mini-holiday together.


December 2022 is a time when Sagittarius shines, is in good physical, mental and emotional shape and manages to move all the pieces on their chessboard in the right direction. Thus, they manage to take all the necessary steps to bring about changes in their life and achieve the goals they have set for themselves, as well as working on their inner foundation to resolve all the unhealed traumas and wounds of the past.

Sagittarians will feel inspired during this period, particularly creative, eager to travel more – and are very likely to do so, even spontaneously, embarking on a full journey of the spirit and mind.

They will feel joy in all their pores, but their pragmatic side will also be touched, so that they may even undertake practical things and plans for themselves to become a better person and feel better in their own lives.

The planets also touch the area of the family and home plane, where good fortune surrounds them and they feel blessed to have wonderful people around them who understand their emotional needs.

Also, on the emotional plane, in December 2022 Jupiter will activate for this sign the area of romance and sensuality, which will make them seductive and charming, and eager to experience beautiful moments with their loved one.


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