2025, like any new year, offers the opportunity for a new beginning. However, this year is much more than a simple new beginning: according to numerology, 2025 carries the vibration of the number 9, and its stormy energy drives us into the unknown, out of our comfort zone. This will be a year of initiations, a year in which we will receive a lot of new knowledge and tools, and will have the opportunity to access our unsuspected resources to realize our dreams.
2025 brings many challenges that are designed to make us evolve, raise our vibration level, and emerge stronger and more confident from each turn – if we are open to inner growth. The Archangel of the year is Archangel Metatron, who helps us with organization, discipline, and the structuring of our daily activities.
The energy of the number 9 cleanses us of the burdens of the past and pushes us towards something new. It is time to face our fears and realize that the only way forward is to become our best selves. We are finally ready to get to work, look inward, and look for truth. The last year with the vibration of the number 9 was 2016. It may also be useful to look back in the past and see what happened in our lives in 2007, 1998, or 1989.
In numerology, the number 9 is associated with spiritual enlightenment and inner wisdom. The energy it brings encourages us to close what no longer represents us and reminds us to look within for answers to our questions.
The number 9 signifies both the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one – it is time to leave the past behind and rewrite future. It is a time when we can use our intuition, follow our soul’s voice, and open ourselves to the infinite possibilities, releasing all negative energy that is holding us back from progress.
The number 9 is a powerful angel number that tells us to venture into the unknown, have the courage to become the best version of ourselves, and act without comparing ourselves to others. Now we can learn to make our own decisions, organize our lives according to our own principles, be disciplined and purposeful, and not allow others to influence us.
The number 9 also plays an important role in the Bible, being mentioned at least fifty times. It is associated both with the Holy Trinity and the Last Judgment. The number 9 is also used to describe the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, and discerning of spirits, as well as speaking in tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
When Doreen Virtue writes about the message of the number 9 in her book Angel Numbers, she states that number 9 signifies the fact that all the prerequisites are ready to fulfill your destiny. It is time now to take active steps, without delay. Even small steps are useful. Kyle Gray adds, on the same line of thought, that divine energy is awakening within you at this point, and you should let your soul take control.
The number 9 refers to fulfillment, knowledge, enlightenment, rebirth and revelation. It is a symbol of renewal, and also the number of personal missions, of those who bring light and honor God’s gifts here on earth. The number 9 is about knowing ourselves, and it brings a time of introspection, meditation, but also of spiritual teachings. At this time we have the opportunity to evolve and become the best version of ourselves.
All these mean that in 2025 we are at the beginning of a year full of endings that make way for new beginnings – it almost seems as if we are witnessing the dawn of a new world. However, 2025 is only a blessed year for the brave, for those who are bold enough to take risks and dare to step out of their comfort zone.
2025 will be a year of explosive technological development, with many new inventions emerging that have been years in the making. And we have no choice but to use these technologies. 2025 will also rewrite human relationships: we will only be able to be with those with whom we resonate and share our values. Compromise will no longer apply, and all masks will fall. What is hidden will come to light, and we will be shown clearly what to do.
2025 is the year when we will need our faith a lot, because everything we thought was stable may be shaken. It is very important at this point to replace fear with faith and throw ourselves into the unknown. It is time to banish the old from our lives, because the new is already making its presence felt.
We will have many moments when we would want to stop the planet and get out for good, or when we would like to leave everything and go into the world alone, away from everything and everyone. But now is not the time for leaving behind difficulties. We cannot give up, especially now that we are in the last hundred meters, and whatever we have started, we must finish it.
This year emphasizes personal missions. We all need to be where God wants us to be. Therefore, when we are ready to take the plunge into the unknown, He also assures us that we will grow wings.